Results & Downloads

ForRES Factsheet 1

The first issue of the ForRES Factsheet series is now available. Download it to get an overview of the role of FinFET Technology.

July 23, 2024
Security & Safety

ForRES Factsheet 1


Project website

MILADO Leaflet

The official leaflet of the MILADO project is available, containing project information, vision, goals of the project and more.

July 11, 2024
Industrial & Production Engineering

MILADO Leaflet


Project website

Scientific publication

The paper “MmWave for Extended Reality: Open User Mobility Dataset, Characterisation, and Impact on Link Quality” was published in IEEE Communications Magazine. The authors are Alexander Marinsek,  Sam De Kunst, Gilles Callebaut, Lieven De Strycker, Liesbet Van der Perre.

July 10, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific publication


Project website


The official leaflet of the AMUSENS project is available, containing project information, vision, goals of the project and more.

July 03, 2024
Industrial & Production Engineering



Project website

AMUSENS Announcement Letter

Find out more about the AMUSENS project in the official announcement letter.

June 30, 2024
Industrial & Production Engineering

AMUSENS Announcement Letter


Project website

DYNAMO 5th Factsheet: Crisis Communication & Enhancement of Organisational Resilience

The fifth issue of the DYNAMO Factsheet series is now available. Download it to get an overview of the role of crisis communication and the enhancement of organisational resilience.

June 25, 2024
Security & Safety

DYNAMO 5th Factsheet: Crisis Communication & Enhancement of Organisational Resilience


Project website

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)

Paper entitled: “CTI Sharing Practices and MISP Adoption in Finland’s Critical Infrastructure Protection”

June 21, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)


Project website

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)

Paper entitled: “Measuring Societal Impacts of Cybersecurity”

June 21, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)


Project website

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)

Paper entitled: “E-EWS-based Governance Framework for Sharing Cyber Threat Intelligence in the Energy Sector”

June 21, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)


Project website

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)

Paper entitled: “The Social Domain: Resilience of Information-Sharing Networks”

June 21, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)


Project website

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)

Paper entitled: “Business Model Canvas and Competition to Understand Exploitation of Cybersecurity Project Results”

June 21, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and SecurityPaper (ECCWS)


Project website

Conference Paper

Joint Optimization of Switching Point and Power Control in Dynamic TDD Cell-Free Massive MIMO by Martin Andersson, Tung T. Vu, Pål Frenger and Erik G. Larsson

June 20, 2024
Signals & Communication

Conference Paper


Project website

PhotoGeNIC 2nd Newsletter Issue

The second issue of the PhotoGeNIC newsletter is now available. Download it to get an overview of the project status and the first achievements of the first project period.

June 17, 2024
Circuits & Systems

PhotoGeNIC 2nd Newsletter Issue


Project website

Conference Paper

Robust Precoding Weights for Downlink D-MIMO in 6G Communications by Ke Wang Helmersson, Pål Frenger and Anders Helmersson

June 17, 2024
Signals & Communication

Conference Paper


Project website

Paper published at MedComNet 2024

OScar: An ETSI-Compliant C-ITS Stack for Field-Testing with Embedded Hardware Devices

June 11, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published at MedComNet 2024


Project website

MILADO Announcement Letter

Find out more about the project in the official announcement letter .

June 01, 2024
Industrial & Production Engineering

MILADO Announcement Letter


Project website

Scientific Publication

Distributed MIMO Precoding with Routing Constraints in Segmented Fronthaul – academic article by Jale Sadreddini, Omer Haliloglu and Andres Reial

May 30, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

Newsletter Issue 02

Second issue

May 30, 2024
Security & Safety

Newsletter Issue 02


Project website

ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 03

The 3rd issue of the newsletter has been released, exploring the results and activities of the project’s first 18 months.

May 29, 2024
Security & Safety

ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 03


Project website

Paper published at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024

Maneuver Coordination Using V2I to Improve Traffic Efficiency at Intersections

May 29, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024


Project website

Paper published at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024

ETSI-Compliant Protection of Connected Vulnerable Road Users: Simulation and Field Trial

May 29, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published at IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2024


Project website

CONNECT Video Gallery

CONNECT on Vimeo

May 23, 2024
Security & Safety

CONNECT Video Gallery


Project website

Scientific publication

The paper “Channel Performance Metrics and Evaluation for XR Head-Mounted Displays with mmWave Arrays” was published in IEEE Transactions on Communications. The authors are Alexander Marinsek, Xuesong Ca, Lieven De Strycker, Fredrik Tufvesson and Liesbet Van der Perre.

May 21, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific publication


Project website

MEMS-on-CMOS integration of a holographic 8M-Pixel SLM device using KrF-Lithography

May 15, 2024
Circuits & Systems

MEMS-on-CMOS integration of a holographic 8M-Pixel SLM device using KrF-Lithography


Project website

Characterization of MEMS piston mirror arrays with comb drive actuator

May 15, 2024
Circuits & Systems

Characterization of MEMS piston mirror arrays with comb drive actuator


Project website

Novel reflective SLM in real holographic 3D HUD displays and theirimpact on quality

May 15, 2024
Circuits & Systems

Novel reflective SLM in real holographic 3D HUD displays and theirimpact on quality


Project website

Scientific Publication

Robust Covariance-Based Activity Detection for Massive Access – academic article by Jianan Bai and Erik G. Larsson

May 15, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

Scientific Publication

Anchor Layout Optimization for Ultrasonic Indoor Positioning Using Swarm Intelligence – academic article by Daan Delabie, Thomas Wilding, Liesbet Van der Perre and Lieven De Strycker

May 15, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper Unveiling the Vulnerability of Oxide-Breakdown-Based PUF was published at IEEE Electron Device Letters. The authors are Pablo Saraza-Canflanca, Ferenc Fodor, Javier Diaz Fortuny,  Benedikt Gierlichs,  Robin Degraeve Ben Kaczer and Ingrid Verbauwhede.

May 13, 2024
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

Scientific Publication

Energy Reduction in Cell-Free Massive MIMO through Fine-Grained Resource Management – academic article by Özlem Tuğfe Demir, Lianet Méndez-Monsanto, Nicola Bastianello, Emma Fitzgerald and Gilles Callebaut

May 11, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

DYNAMO 3rd Newsletter Issue

The third issue of the DYNAMO newsletter is now available. Download it to get an overview of the work in the first project period.

May 08, 2024
Security & Safety

DYNAMO 3rd Newsletter Issue


Project website

Scientific Publication

Joint Sequential Fronthaul Quantization and Hardware Complexity Reduction in Uplink Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks – academic article by Vida Ranjbar, Robbert Beerten, Marc Moonen and Sofie Pollin

May 02, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

D6.1 “Plan for dissemination and exploitation incl. communication activities”

This deliverable provides an initial plan for dissemination and exploitation incl. communication activities and training and will be periodically updated based on the project’s progress. It also constitutes an initial dissemination & communication kit for 6GTandem, as well as the launch of the project website and communication infrastructure in M03.

April 25, 2024
Signals & Communication

D6.1 “Plan for dissemination and exploitation incl. communication activities”


Project website

D1.1 “Project quality plan”

This project quality plan constitutes a set of project templates and explains the project management, review and internal quality control process, as well as other organizational topics such as meeting organization. It further includes the open science practices within the 6GTandem project. This handbook shall support all partners in their daily work.

April 25, 2024
Signals & Communication

D1.1 “Project quality plan”


Project website

DYNAMO Data Protection Notice

This is to inform the data subjects that may have been affected by the crawling operations about the processing carried out as part of the project and enable them to exercise their data protection rights. The responsible partner (controller) is CERTH.

April 22, 2024
Security & Safety

DYNAMO Data Protection Notice


Project website

DYNAMO 4th Factsheet: Ethics & Cybersecurity

The fourth issue of the DYNAMO Factsheet series is now available. Download it to get an overview of the role of ethics in cybersecurity aspects.

April 18, 2024
Security & Safety

DYNAMO 4th Factsheet: Ethics & Cybersecurity


Project website

Paper published: WSEAS Transactions on Computers

Paper entitled: “Implications of GDPR and NIS2 for Cyber Threat Intelligence Exchange in Hospitals”

April 01, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: WSEAS Transactions on Computers


Project website

Paper published: Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS)

Paper entitled: “Utilization and Sharing of Cyber Threat Intelligence Produced by Open-Source Intelligence”

March 27, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS)


Project website

Paper published: Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS)

Paper entitled: “Utilization and Sharing of Cyber Threat Intelligence Produced by Open-Source Intelligence”

March 27, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS)


Project website

Paper Published: Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS)

Paper entitled: “Implementation of OSINT for Improving an International Finance Sector Organization’s Cybersecurity”

March 27, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper Published: Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS)


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper “Circularly Polarized Sub-THz Antenna Design for Distributed Deployment” was presented at EuCAP 2024. The authors are Yuyan Cao, Maciej Wojnowski and Buon Kiong Lau.

March 27, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper An in-depth security evaluation of the Nintendo DSi gaming console was published at CARDIS 2023. The authors are Pcy Sluys, Lennert Wouters, Benedikt Gierlichs, Ingrid Verbauwhede.

March 20, 2024
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper Architectural Mimicry: Innovative Instructions to Efficiently Address Control-Flow Leakage in Data-Oblivious Programs was published at IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy 2024.The authors are Hans Winderix, Márton Bognár, Job Noorman, Lesly-Ann Daniel and Frank Piessens.

March 20, 2024
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

D5.2 “Distributed Processing, Fast Offloading and MEC-enabled Orchestrator”

D5.2 follows up the D5.1 contributions to deliver the first version of the CONNECT orchestrator and the mechanisms for secure data exchange. The here-in reported work cov- ers the task-offloading logic and the implementation details of the CONNECT orchestartor software. Lastly, the work is completed with the Blockchain architecture and data handling principles to facilitate the CONNECT accountable attestation and monitoring (when combined with the D5.1 claims).

March 11, 2024
Security & Safety

D5.2 “Distributed Processing, Fast Offloading and MEC-enabled Orchestrator”


Project website

D4.2 “Virtualization- and Edge-based Security and Trust Extensions”

Deliverable D4.2 documents the high-level design of the complete CON- NECT security architecture as developed by Workpackage WP4. Com- pared to D4.1 we refine and add users stories and designs for the Multi- Access Edge Cloud (MEC). We also add detailed cryptographic protocols that implement the trust assessment of the services of CONNECT. Fi- nally, we detail the concepts and interactions for secure migration and up- grade of TEE-protected workloads. This is the technical foundation for Se- cure Task Offloading. The key questions that this deliverable answers are “How can the Multi-access Edge Cloud (MEC) be architected to provide robust security and privacy guarantees?”, “How can cryptography help to remotely assess trust of services while maintaining sound privacy guar- antees?”, and “How can vehicle and edge collaborate while maintaining security?”

March 11, 2024
Security & Safety

D4.2 “Virtualization- and Edge-based Security and Trust Extensions”


Project website

D3.2 “CONNECT Trust & Risk Assessment and CAD Twinning Framework (Initial Version)”

This deliverable builds upon D3.1 and describes major build- ing blocks for the standalone trust assessment framework (TAF), the federated TAF and the digital twin version TAF-DT. For the standalone TAF, a fine-grained architecture underlying our current prototype is provided, federated TAF and TAF-DT are described as high-level architectures.

March 11, 2024
Security & Safety

D3.2 “CONNECT Trust & Risk Assessment and CAD Twinning Framework (Initial Version)”


Project website

First ForRES newsletter

The first issue of the ForRES newsletter is now available. Download it to get an overview of the latest developments within the project.

March 08, 2024
Security & Safety

First ForRES newsletter


Project website

D7.2 “Dissemination, Communication, Clustering and Exploitation activities”

This deliverable presents the CONNECT dissemination, communication, clustering, standardization, and exploitation activities up to M18. Furthermore, it contains information highlighting open-source contributions and workshop organization activities.

February 29, 2024
Security & Safety

D7.2 “Dissemination, Communication, Clustering and Exploitation activities”


Project website

Publication in the Journal “Nature Communications”

Article entitled: “Rare disease research workflow using multilayer networks elucidates the molecular determinants of severity in Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes”

February 28, 2024
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “Nature Communications”


Project website

Paper published at VehicleSec 2024

WIP: A Trust Assessment Method for In-Vehicular Networks using Vehicle Risk Assessment

February 26, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published at VehicleSec 2024


Project website

Scientific Publication

Scheduling of Industrial Control Traffic for Dynamic RAN Slicing with Distributed Massive MIMO – academic article by Emma Fitzgerald and Michał Pióro

February 23, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

Scientific Publication

Distributed MIMO Measurements for Integrated Communication and Sensing in an Industrial Environment – academic article by by Christian Nelson, Xuhong Li, Aleksei Fedorov, Benjamin Deutschmann and Fredrik Tufvesson

February 21, 2024
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

Paper published at ESCAR Europe 2023

In-vehicle Trust Assessment Framework

February 14, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published at ESCAR Europe 2023


Project website

Publication in the Journal „Cancer Cell“

Article entitled: “Integrative analysis of neuroblastoma by single-cell RNA sequencing indentifies the NECTIN2-TIGIT axis as a target for immunotherapy”

February 12, 2024
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal „Cancer Cell“


Project website

Paper published in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security

Sphinx-in-the-Head: Group Signatures from Symmetric Primitives

February 05, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security


Project website

AddMorePower Newsletter 02

The second AddMorePower newsletter is now available for download. In this edition, we present the project status after one year, events that have happened as well as the upcoming ones.

February 01, 2024
Industrial & Production Engineering

AddMorePower Newsletter 02


Project website

Publication in the Journal „Hepatology Communications”

Article entitled: “Targeting G9a/DNMT1 methyltransferase activity impedes IGF2-mediated survival in hepatoblastoma”

January 29, 2024
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal „Hepatology Communications”


Project website

New publication

Massive Synchrony in Distributed Antenna Systems by Erik G. Larsson from Linköping University

January 24, 2024
Signals & Communication

New publication


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper BLUFFS: Bluetooth Forward and Future Secrecy Attacks and Defenses was published at ACM CCS’23 on 26-30 NOV., 2023. The author is Daniele Antonioli.

January 18, 2024
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

Paper published: International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering

Paper entitled: “Trust Environment for Cyber-Physical Systems: The DYNAMO Approach”

January 08, 2024
Security & Safety

Paper published: International Journal on Applied Physics and Engineering


Project website

DYNAMO 3rd Factsheet: Resilience

The third issue of the DYNAMO Factsheet series is now available. Download it to get an overview of the 4Rs of Resilience of DYNAMO, the Resilience Cycle and the Resilience Assessment Methodology.

January 05, 2024
Security & Safety

DYNAMO 3rd Factsheet: Resilience


Project website

D4.1 “Conceptual Architecture of Customizable TEE and Attestation Models Specifications”

Deliverable D4.1 documents the initial results of Workpackage 4. It speci- fies the core security architecture of CONNECT revolving around the use of HW-based trust anchors for supporting both the continuous trust as- sessment of the CCAM-wide continuum as well as the secure lifecylce management of all comprised devices. D4.1 refines the architecture (com- ponents and flows) presented in D2.1 and puts forth a deteiled description of all interactions and sequence of actions with the underlying Trusted Computing Base for providing node- and data-centric trustworthiness ev- idence. Furthermore, it documents user stories that specify desired fea- tures, and finally outlines the key hierarchy and formalized requirements. This overarching TEE architecture will guide the design of all security pro- tocols and cryptographic mechanisms to be documented in D4.2.

December 14, 2023
Security & Safety

D4.1 “Conceptual Architecture of Customizable TEE and Attestation Models Specifications”


Project website

Scientific publication

The paper “Impact of array configuration on head-mounted display performance at mmWave bands” is now available for open access on ArXiv. The authors are Alexander Marinsek, Xuesong Cai, Lieven De Strycker, Fredrik Tufvesson and Liesbet Van der Perre.

December 13, 2023
Signals & Communication

Scientific publication


Project website

6GTandem Newsletter Issue 02

The 2nd 6GTandem newsletter has been released, which is focused on the current status of the project and future plans.

December 11, 2023
Signals & Communication

6GTandem Newsletter Issue 02


Project website

Publication in the Journal “2023 Life Science Alliance LLC”

Article entitled: “Proteomic-based stratification of intermediate-risk prostate cancer patients”

December 04, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “2023 Life Science Alliance LLC”


Project website

Scientific Publication

An Open Dataset Storage Standard for 6G Testbeds has been published by Gilles Callebaut, Michiel Sandra, Christian Nelson, Thomas Wilding, Daan Delabie, Benjamin J. B. Deutschmann, William Tärneberg, Emma Fitzgerald, Liesbet Van der Perre from the 6GTandem consortium. The paper was successfully presented at IEEE CAMA 2023.

November 28, 2023
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

D5.1 “Distributed Processing and CCAM Trust Functions Offloading & Data Space Modelling”

D5.1 paves the way to the CONNECT orchestration im- plementation by first defining the task migration/offloading problem and then presenting a comprehensive analysis of the state-of-the-art. Derived insights suggest candidate ap- proaches for the CONNECT implementation. Furthermore, the document explores identity management and proposes verifiable and presentation claims to verify a CONNECT en- tity’s attributes or identity. The involved data model to hold the needed information is finally introduced.

November 24, 2023
Security & Safety

D5.1 “Distributed Processing and CCAM Trust Functions Offloading & Data Space Modelling”


Project website

ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 02

The 2nd ORSHIN newsletter has been released, which is focused on the main achievements of the first 12 project months and the outlook of what will follow. ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 02

November 15, 2023
Security & Safety

ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 02


Project website

Conference Paper in ‘ISTFA 2023’

Kees Schot, Aya Fukami: “In-situ Global Ultra Thinning of Live Chip Backside for Digital Forensic and Failure Analysis”

November 12, 2023
Security & Safety

Conference Paper in ‘ISTFA 2023’


Project website


Paper entitled: “Improving the Cybersecurity Awareness of Finnish Podiatry SMEs”

October 25, 2023
Security & Safety



Project website

Publication in the Journal “Analytical Chemistry”

Article entitled: “Heat ‘n Beat: A universal high-throughput end-to-end proteomics sample processing platform in under an hour”

October 19, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “Analytical Chemistry”


Project website

DYNAMO 2nd Newsletter Issue

The second issue of the DYNAMO newsletter is now available. Download it to get an overview of the work in the first twelve months of the project.

October 18, 2023
Security & Safety

DYNAMO 2nd Newsletter Issue


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper 6G Radio Testbeds: Requirements, Trends, and Approaches, has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Microwave Magazine’s Wireless Communications Focus Issue by the MTT-S TC-23. The authors are Gilles Callebaut, Liang Liu, Thomas Eriksson, Liesbet Van der Perre, Ove Edfors and Christian Fager.

October 16, 2023
Signals & Communication

Scientific Publication


Project website

D7.3 “Updated plan and initial report on dissemination and communication activities”

This deliverable includes information on the dissemination, communication and exploitation activities, as well as on internal and external training activities of the EXFILES project. It is the first report on the communication and dissemination activities of the first 18 project months. It thus contains relevant information about all executed activities up to M18, as well as an updated plan of future activities. The deliverable will be updated and finalized within “D7.6 Final report on dissemination & communication activities” at the project end. 

October 05, 2023
Security & Safety

D7.3 “Updated plan and initial report on dissemination and communication activities”


Project website

D7.2 “Hands-on trainings for contributors”

This document describes deliverable D7.2 “Hands-on training for contributors”. As part of this deliverable, RISCURE has made available (and will continue to enable access for the entire duration of the project) two standard, hands-on online training courses to all EXFILES contributors. 

October 05, 2023
Security & Safety

D7.2 “Hands-on trainings for contributors”


Project website

DYNAMO 2nd Factsheet: CTI

The second issue of the DYNAMO Factsheet series is now available. Download it to get an overview of Cyber Threat Intelligence and what role this discipline has within DYNAMO.

September 27, 2023
Security & Safety

DYNAMO 2nd Factsheet: CTI


Project website

Publication in the Journal “Hepatology“

Article entitled “Computational drug prediction in hepatoblastoma by integrating pan-cancer transcriptomics with pharmacological response”

September 20, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “Hepatology“


Project website

Publication in the Journal „European Journal of Cancer”

Article entitled: “Adoptive cell therapy in pediatric extracranial solid tumors: current approaches and future challenges”

September 19, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal „European Journal of Cancer”


Project website

ForRES Leaflet

The official leaflet of the ForRES project is available, containing project information, vision, goals of the project and more.

September 01, 2023
Security & Safety

ForRES Leaflet


Project website

D2.1 “Operational Landscape, Requirements and Reference Architecture – Initial Version”

Deliverable D2.1 defines the technical requirements of CONNECT, alongside the specification of the conceptual reference architecture, the functional components, and interfaces between them. It also provides an analysis and point of reference for CONNECT in relation to the use cases and reference scenarios including an analysis of the trust models, that need to be considered for capturing the security and privacy requirements of each of the target CCAM services, and the trusted computing anchors to be further investigated and deployed as part of all actors – both at the MEC and Edge. Its purpose is to define the parameters for the rest of the CONNECT project and provide the necessary input for the design and implementation of all security enablers and models towards the dynamic trust assessment of complex CCAM ecosystems.

August 31, 2023
Security & Safety

D2.1 “Operational Landscape, Requirements and Reference Architecture – Initial Version”


Project website

D1.2 “Project Quality Plan”

This Project Quality Plan constitutes a set of project templates and explanations on the project management process, review process, quality checks and meeting organisation, which are communicated to all partners. It further includes the risk assessment plan and shows how potential risks are assessed and mitigated.

August 31, 2023
Security & Safety

D1.2 “Project Quality Plan”


Project website

PhotoGeNIC 1st Newsletter Issue

The first issue of the PhotoGeNIC newsletter is now available. Download it to get an overview of the project status and the first achievements of the last few months of the project.

August 22, 2023
Circuits & Systems

PhotoGeNIC 1st Newsletter Issue


Project website

Newsletter Issue 01

Inaugural newsletter

August 22, 2023
Security & Safety

Newsletter Issue 01


Project website

DYNAMO Introduction Webinar Flyer

SAVE THE DATE and reserve your place in the first official DYNAMO webinar. Click on the link and get more information about what to expect at the webinar.

August 16, 2023
Security & Safety

DYNAMO Introduction Webinar Flyer


Project website

Paper published in PLOS ONE

Paper entitled: “Two opposing gene expression patterns within ATRX aberrant neutoblastoma”

August 04, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in PLOS ONE


Project website

Paper published in PQCrypto 2023

Hash-based Direct Anonymous Attestation

August 01, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published in PQCrypto 2023


Project website

Paper published in Digital Discovery

Paper entitled: “Effective methods for bulk RNA-seq deconvolution using scnRNA-seq transcriptomes”

August 01, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Digital Discovery


Project website

Paper published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles

Edge-assisted ML-aided Uncertainty-aware Vehicle Collision Avoidance at Urban Intersections

July 17, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles


Project website

Journal Paper in ‘ScienceDirect’

Julien Maillard, Thomas Hiscock, Maxime Lecomte, Christophe Clavier: “Side-Channel Disassembly on a System-on-Chip: A Practical Feasibility Study”

July 15, 2023
Security & Safety

Journal Paper in ‘ScienceDirect’


Project website

D3.1 “Architectural Specification of CONNECT Trust Assessment Framework, Operation and Interaction”

Deliverable 3.1 presents initial work towards the Trust Asssessment Framework (TAF). It includes definition of core terminology for trust assessment, a state of the art analysis and requirements engineering which motivates our decision for a TAF based on Subjective Logic. Subsequently, an ap-proach to trust modeling is described including a methodol- ogy for deriving trust relationships and examples for such trust relationships and trust sources are given based on the four CONNECT use case. Finally, a high-level architecture of the TAF is presented and first considerations for the evaluation of the TAF are described.

July 10, 2023
Security & Safety

D3.1 “Architectural Specification of CONNECT Trust Assessment Framework, Operation and Interaction”


Project website

Fact sheet

Authors: Chirag Arora, Adam Henschke

July 10, 2023
Security & Safety

Fact sheet


Project website

Paper published at AsiaCCS conference 2023

ZEKRA: Zero-Knowledge Control-Flow Attestation (pre-camera version Open Access)

July 10, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published at AsiaCCS conference 2023


Project website

DYNAMO 1st Factsheet: BCM

The first issue of the DYNAMO Factsheet series is now available. Download it to get an overview of Business Continuity Management and what role this discipline has within DYNAMO.

July 10, 2023
Security & Safety

DYNAMO 1st Factsheet: BCM


Project website

Paper published in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine

The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) — Security, Privacy, Trust, and Reputation Management for Connected Vehicles
Authors: A. Drobot, T. Zhang, M. L. Buonarosa, F. Kargl, S. Schwinke and B. Sikdar

July 03, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper MicroProfiler: Principled Side-Channel Mitigation through Microarchitectural Profiling was published at Euro SP23 on July 3-7 2023. The authors are Marton Bognar, Hans Winderix, Jo Van Bulck, Frank Piessens

July 03, 2023
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

ForRES Announcement Letter

It is time for advanced digital investigation to tackle the cybercrime of electronic devices. Find out more in the official announcement letter of ForRES project.

July 01, 2023
Security & Safety

ForRES Announcement Letter


Project website

Paper published: BledCom 2023

Paper entitled: “A Lens to Examine Communication Through Business Continuity Management” (p. 205-216)

June 30, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published: BledCom 2023


Project website

Paper published: BledCom 2023

Paper entitled: “Academic publications create sustainable knowledge in funded projects” (p. 223-232)

June 30, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published: BledCom 2023


Project website

Paper published in IEEE VTC Spring 2023

Securing Cooperative Intersection Management through Subjective Trust Networks
Authors: Frank Kargl, Nataša Trkulja, Artur Hermann, Florian Sommer, Anderson Ramon Ferraz de Lucena, Alexander Kiening, Sergej Japs

June 23, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published in IEEE VTC Spring 2023


Project website

Press Release

Eyes and Ears for the Car of the Future

The Car2TERA project launched in 2019 has successfully concluded, advancing smart electronic sensor systems.

June 20, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Press Release


Project website

AddMorePower Newsletter Issue 01

The 1st AddMorePower Newsletter has been released, which is focused on the results of the first 6 months of the project.

June 20, 2023
Industrial & Production Engineering

AddMorePower Newsletter Issue 01


Project website

Paper published: 22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security

Paper entitled: “Governance and Management Information System for Cybersecurity Centres and Competence hubs”

June 19, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published: 22nd European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security


Project website

Poster on Improved comb drive design for MEMS piston mirror arrays

Partner Fraunhofer presented a poster at SPIE Photonics West 2023.

June 14, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Poster on Improved comb drive design for MEMS piston mirror arrays


Project website

Poster on FEM Simulations to optimize a micro mirror array package for a wide operating temperature range

Partner Fraunhofer presented a poster at SPIE Photonics West 2023.

June 14, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Poster on FEM Simulations to optimize a micro mirror array package for a wide operating temperature range


Project website

Paper published in Journal of Hepatology

Paper entitled: “Identification and experimental validation of druggable epigenetic targets in hepatoblastoma”

June 09, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Journal of Hepatology


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper E-Spoofer: Attacking and Defending Xiaomi Electric Scooter Ecosystem was published at WiSec’23 on 31st May 2023. The authors are Marco Casagrande, Riccardo Cestaro, Eleonora Losiouk, Mauro Conti and Daniele Antonioli.

June 05, 2023
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

Paper published in Journal Vehicular Communication

S-LDM: Server Local Dynamic Map for 5G-based Centralized Enhanced Collective Perception

May 23, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published in Journal Vehicular Communication


Project website

6GTandem Newsletter Issue 01

The 1st 6GTandem newsletter has been released, which is focused on the results of the first 4 project months.

May 22, 2023
Signals & Communication

6GTandem Newsletter Issue 01


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper PROSPECT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy was published at USENIX Security’23 on 1st February 2023. The authors are Lesly-Ann Daniel, Marton Bognar, Job Noorman, Sébastien Bardin, Tamara Rezk and Frank Piessens.

May 17, 2023
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

Paper published in IEEE VNC 2023

Comparative Evaluation of PKI and DAA-Based Architectures for V2X Communication Security
Authors: A. Angelogianni I. Krontiris, and T. Giannetsos

May 15, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published in IEEE VNC 2023


Project website

Paper Published in Digital Discovery

Paper entitled: “Chemical representation learning for toxicity prediction”

May 08, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper Published in Digital Discovery


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper Lightweight Countermeasures Against Original Linear Code Extraction Attacks on a RISC-V Core was published at HOST on 1st-3rd May 2023. The authors are Théophile Gousselot, Olivier Thomas, Jean-Max Dutertre, Olivier Potin and Jean-Baptiste Rigaud.

May 01, 2023
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

Paper published in Frontiers in Oncology

Paper entitled: “Quantitative proteomic studies addressing unmet clinical needs in sarcoma”

May 01, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Frontiers in Oncology


Project website

DYNAMO 1st Newsletter Issue

The first issue of the DYNAMO newsletter is now available. Download it to get an overview of the work in the first six months of the project.

April 26, 2023
Security & Safety

DYNAMO 1st Newsletter Issue


Project website

AddMorePower Leaflet

The official leaflet of the Horizon Europe project “AddMorePower” is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.

April 24, 2023
Industrial & Production Engineering

AddMorePower Leaflet


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper Low-Cost First-Order Secure Boolean Masking in Glitchy Hardware was published at the DATE 2023 on 19th April 2023. The authors are Dilip Kumar S V, Josep Balasch, Benedikt Gierlichs and Ingrid Verbauwhede.

April 19, 2023
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

Scientific Publication

The paper Efficient attack-surface exploration for electromagnetic fault injection was published at the COSADE 2023 on 4th April 2023. The authors are Daniele Antonio Carta, Vittorio Zaccaria, Gabriele Quagliarella and Maria Chiara Molteni.

April 12, 2023
Security & Safety

Scientific Publication


Project website

FEM Simulations to optimize a micro mirror array package for a wide operating temperature range

This paper was published at the SPIE Photonics West 2023 on 15th March 2023.

April 06, 2023
Circuits & Systems

FEM Simulations to optimize a micro mirror array package for a wide operating temperature range


Project website

Improved comb drive design for MEMS piston mirror arrays

This paper was published at the SPIE Photonics West 2023 on 15th March 2023.

April 06, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Improved comb drive design for MEMS piston mirror arrays


Project website

Advantages of Phase Modulating MEMS for Full 3D Hologram Scene Reconstruction

This paper was published at the Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging 2022 in August 2022.

April 05, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Advantages of Phase Modulating MEMS for Full 3D Hologram Scene Reconstruction


Project website

Paper published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 2023

Paper entitled “Beyond 100-Gbps Polymer Microwave Fiber Communication Link at D-Band”

April 04, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Paper published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 2023


Project website

Paper published in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

Paper entitled: “Identification of IGF2 as Genomic Driver and Actionable Therapeutic Target in Hepatoblastoma”

April 03, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics


Project website

Paper published in Briefings in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “FLAN: feature-wise latent additive neural models for biological applications”

April 03, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Briefings in Bioinformatics


Project website

4th Newsletter

The 4th and final newsletter of the Car2TERA H2020 project contains an reflection on the project, insights on the demonstrators, latest publications and dissemination activities.

March 31, 2023
Circuits & Systems

4th Newsletter


Project website

Paper published in IEEE

Paper entitled: “Why the winner is the best”

March 30, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in IEEE


Project website

ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 01

The 1st ORSHIN newsletter has been released, which is focused on the results of the first 6 project months.

March 28, 2023
Security & Safety

ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 01


Project website

Fact sheet

Authors: Ana Petrovska, Natasa Trukulja, Artur Hermann, Frank Kargl

March 16, 2023
Security & Safety

Fact sheet


Project website

Paper in IFIP 2022

Paper entitled “A Wideband High-Gain Power Amplifier Operating in the D Band”

March 16, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Paper in IFIP 2022


Project website

PMF 2023 – Presentation

High-speed data links based on polymer microwave fiber (PMF) for 5G evolution and 6G radio systems by Yinggang Li (Ericsson)

March 10, 2023
Circuits & Systems

PMF 2023 – Presentation


Project website

Publication in the Journal “NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics”

Article entitled: „ Single-cell gene set enrichment analysis and transfer learning for functional annotation of scRNA-seq data”

March 03, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics”


Project website

D7.1 “Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation incl. Communication”

This deliverable presents the CONNECT communication kit including the project’s visual identity as well as communication and dissemination material to be used within the project. Furthermore, a detailed standardization plan is documented constituting a guideline for the liaison and further dissemination of the CONNECT project to external target groups and related standardization working groups. A timeline of short- and long-term dissemination activities is presented.

February 28, 2023
Security & Safety

D7.1 “Plan for Dissemination and Exploitation incl. Communication”


Project website

Paper published: Proceedings of the 18th ICCWS

Paper entitled: “Managing Variable Cyber Environments with Organizational Foresight and Resilience Thinking”

February 28, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published: Proceedings of the 18th ICCWS


Project website

Poster published at EUMW 2022

Poster entitled Design of 130-290 GHz rectangular polymer fibers for high-speed data links

February 28, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Poster published at EUMW 2022


Project website

Paper published in the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)

Paper entitled “Isotropic Gaussian Processes on Finite Spaces of Graphs”

February 25, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the 26th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS)


Project website

Paper Published in Bioinformatics Advances

Paper entitled: “MonoNet: enhancing interpretability in neural networks via monotonic features”

February 23, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper Published in Bioinformatics Advances


Project website

Paper published in the 39th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2023)

Paper entitled “Aligned Diffusion Schroedinger Bridges”

February 22, 2023
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the 39th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2023)


Project website

DYNAMO Elevator Pitch

The official DYNAMO Elevator Pitch is now available. Download it to get an overview of the most important information about the project.

February 20, 2023
Security & Safety

DYNAMO Elevator Pitch


Project website

Paper published in EuCAP 2022

Paper entitled “Design of an Amplitude-Tapered Corporate-Feed Slot Array Antenna with Reduced Side-Lobe Level for Silicon Micromachining”

February 20, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Paper published in EuCAP 2022


Project website

ETSI Research Conference 2023

On 8th February 2023 the 6GTandem technical lead, Parisa Aghdam from Ericsson AB, presented the Horizon Europe 6GTandem project within the ETSI Research Conference.

February 14, 2023
Signals & Communication

ETSI Research Conference 2023


Project website

REALHOLO Newsletter Issue 03

The 3rd REALHOLO newsletter has been released, which is focused on WP2 and WP3.

February 02, 2023
Circuits & Systems

REALHOLO Newsletter Issue 03


Project website

6GTandem Leaflet

The official leaflet of the Horizon Europe project “6GTandem” is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.

February 02, 2023
Signals & Communication

6GTandem Leaflet


Project website

Paper published at IET Radar 2022


January 30, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Paper published at IET Radar 2022


Project website

Paper published at EuRAD 2022

Paper entitled “Radar Cross-Section Characterization of the Car In-Cabin Environment at Sub-THz Frequencies”.

January 30, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Paper published at EuRAD 2022


Project website

Paper published at EuRAD 2021

Paper entitled “Concept analysis of a frequency-sweeping delta/ sigma beam-switching radar using machine learning”

January 30, 2023
Circuits & Systems

Paper published at EuRAD 2021


Project website

Paper in ‘CARDIS 2022’

FANJAS, Clément, GAINE, Clément, ABOULKASSIMI, Driss, PONTIÉ, Simon, POTIN, Olivier: “Combined Fault Injection and Real-Time Side-Channel Analysis for Android Secure-Boot Bypassing”

January 29, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper in ‘CARDIS 2022’


Project website

Paper in ‘Cryptology ePrint Archive’

Clément Fanjas , Clément Gaine , Driss Aboulkassimi, Simon Pontié and Olivier Potin: “Real-Time Frequency Detection to Synchronize Fault Injection on System-on-Chip”

January 24, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper in ‘Cryptology ePrint Archive’


Project website

6GTandem Announcement Letter

The Horizon Europe project “6GTandem” will co-design novel dual-frequency operation at sub-10 GHz and sub-THz frequencies and a new highly integrated and distributed radio transceiver architecture to deliver high-performance energy efficient services for future 6G applications.

January 23, 2023
Signals & Communication

6GTandem Announcement Letter


Project website

AddMorePower Announcement Letter

We are thrilled to announce the publication of our announcement letter for the AddMorePower project. Click on the link and have a dive into our project aims.

January 18, 2023
Industrial & Production Engineering

AddMorePower Announcement Letter


Project website

Paper published in Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles

An ML-Aided Reinforcement Learning Approach for Challenging Vehicle Maneuvers
Authors: Dinesh Cyril Selvaraj, Shailesh Hegde, Nicola Amati, Francesco Deflorio and Carla Fabiana Chiasserini

January 11, 2023
Security & Safety

Paper published in Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles


Project website

DYNAMO Leaflet

The official DYNAMO Project Leaflet is now available. Download to get more information about the project, the involved partners, the mission, the vision and the goal of DYNAMO.

January 09, 2023
Security & Safety

DYNAMO Leaflet


Project website

PhotoGeNIC Leaflet

The official leaflet of the PhotoGeNIC project is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.

December 20, 2022
Circuits & Systems

PhotoGeNIC Leaflet


Project website

Paper Published in Cell Reports

Paper entitled: “Systematic multi-omics cell line profiling uncovers principles of Ewing sarcoma fusion oncogene-mediated gene regulation”

December 06, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper Published in Cell Reports


Project website

Paper in ‘IEEE Xplore’

SHEPHERD, Carlton, SEMAL Benjamin, MARKANTONAKIS: “Investigating Black-Box Function Recognition Using Hardware Performance Counters”

November 28, 2022
Security & Safety

Paper in ‘IEEE Xplore’


Project website


The official leaflet of the horizonEU project “CONNECT” is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.

November 21, 2022
Security & Safety



Project website

ORSHIN Leaflet

The official leaflet of the ORSHIN project is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.

November 09, 2022
Security & Safety

ORSHIN Leaflet


Project website

Publication in the Journal “Medical Image Analysis (Elsevier)”

Article entitled: „SegPC-2021: A challenge & dataset on segmentation of Multiple Myeloma plasma cells from microscopic images”

November 02, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “Medical Image Analysis (Elsevier)”


Project website

DYNAMO Announcement Letter

We are happy to announce that under the technical leadership of CERTH in Greece, the coordination of Frauenhofer EMI in Germany with the support of the Austrian based private research company Technikon, the scientists of the consortium are engaged in a EC funded research project entitled “Dynamic Resilience Assessment Method including combined Business Continuity Management and Cyber Threat Intelligence solution for Critical Sectors” or DYNAMO. In this three-year project, 15 partners from ten different countries will work to address the problem of cyber threats in critical sectors such as health, energy and transportation.

October 12, 2022
Security & Safety

DYNAMO Announcement Letter


Project website

CONNECT Announcement Letter

View and Download

October 07, 2022
Security & Safety

CONNECT Announcement Letter


Project website

ORSHIN Announcement Letter

View and Download

October 07, 2022
Security & Safety

ORSHIN Announcement Letter


Project website

PHOTOGENIC Announcement Letter

View and Download

October 07, 2022
Circuits & Systems

PHOTOGENIC Announcement Letter


Project website

Factsheet 4 – Main Achievements & ongoing work

The fourth iPC factsheet about the main achievements and ongoing work is now available. Much has already been done in the first two project periods to achieve the goal to improve the care of children with cancer and our partners are continuously working in the third project period to solve the mathematical and computational bottlenecks of data- and model-based medicine. Therefore, the fourth iPC factsheet describes the most important achievements so far and the ongoing work in the current project period.

October 04, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Factsheet 4 – Main Achievements & ongoing work


Project website

D7.3 Identification of cell subpopulations in each tumour type, their association with response to therapy, and prediction of effective alternative therapies

Tumour decomposition into cells and subtypes and inference about the effects of treatments and perturbations on each tumour component (cell or tumor subclone).

September 30, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

D7.3 Identification of cell subpopulations in each tumour type, their association with response to therapy, and prediction of effective alternative therapies


Project website

Publication in the Journal “Bioinformatics”

Article entitled: “Computational modelling in health and disease: highlights of the 6th annual SysMod meeting”

September 22, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “Bioinformatics”


Project website

Paper Published in Proteomics

Paper entitled: “Opportunities for pharmacoproteomics in biomarker discovery”

September 10, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper Published in Proteomics


Project website

Factsheet 3 – iPC Open Source Software

The third iPC factsheet about the iPC Open source software is now available.
It describes 3 of the 25 open source softwares that were developed during the project framework.
The focus will be on INtERAcT, CONSIFER and DECODE, which were developed by our partner IBM.

September 01, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Factsheet 3 – iPC Open Source Software


Project website

Paper Published in Cancers

Paper entitled: “Targeting the Unwindosome by Mebendazole Is a Vulnerability of Chemoresistant Hepatoblastoma”

August 30, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper Published in Cancers


Project website

Paper published in Proteomics

Paper entitled: “Clinical applications of mass spectrometry-based proteomics in cancer: Where are we?”

August 15, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Proteomics


Project website

Paper published

Paper entitled: “Computational challenges of cell cycle analysis using single cell transcriptomics”

August 10, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published


Project website

Presentation on Advantages of Phase Modulating MEMS for Full 3D Hologram Scene Reconstruction

Partner SeeReal gave a presentation at Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2022.

August 04, 2022
Circuits & Systems

Presentation on Advantages of Phase Modulating MEMS for Full 3D Hologram Scene Reconstruction


Project website

Factsheet 2 – iPC Platforms

The second iPC factsheet about the iPC Platforms is now available. It describes the 5 cloud-based platforms that were developed during the project framework from our partners BSC, XLAB, CHOP, AMC, PMC, DKFZ, UGent and BCM.

August 01, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Factsheet 2 – iPC Platforms


Project website

D1.4 Model development data including genetic perturbation screens and gene-drug synergies

This deliverable reports on the generation of CROPseq and drug screening data for two Ewing Sarcoma cell lines, one Hepatoblastoma cell line and one B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia cell line.

July 29, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

D1.4 Model development data including genetic perturbation screens and gene-drug synergies


Project website

Conference Paper “ECML PKDD International Workshop on eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining”

Paper entitled: “Is Attention Interpretation? A Quantitative Assessment On Sets”

July 26, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Conference Paper “ECML PKDD International Workshop on eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining”


Project website

Paper published in Cancer Cell

Paper entitled: “Pan-cancer proteomic map of 949 human cell lines”

July 14, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Cancer Cell


Project website

Publication in the Journal “Nature Communications”

Article entitled: “The HHIP-AS1 lncRNA promotes tumorigenicity through stabilization of dynein complex 1 in human SHH-driven tumors”

July 13, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “Nature Communications”


Project website

Factsheet 1 – Tumour Type Working Groups

The first iPC factsheet on Tumour Type Working Groups is now available. It describes the 5 different types of childhood cancer and the work our partners are doing.
The working groups are led by our partners IGTP, DKFZ, PMC, CURIE, UZH and MPG.

July 04, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Factsheet 1 – Tumour Type Working Groups


Project website

Paper published in Nature Communication

Paper entitled: “MYCN-driven fatty acid uptake is a metabolic vulnerability in neuroblastoma”

June 28, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Nature Communication


Project website

Paper published in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “DECODE: a computational pipeline to discover T cell receptor binding rules”

June 27, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Bioinformatics


Project website

Paper published in Cell Reports

Paper entitled: “MacroH2As regulate enhancer-promoter contacts affecting enhancer activity and sensitivity to inflammatory cytokines”

June 21, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Cell Reports


Project website

D7.2 Software to define tumour subclones and association with therapy response

Flow cytometry is an important diagnostic tool in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), flow cytometry data analysis is limited by multiple sources of bias and variation. We present a unified machine learning framework for automated analysis of a standardized diagnostic paediatric leukaemia staining that can overcome these challenges. We applied our framework in a large cohort of ALL flow cytometry samples and demonstrated how it can robustly extract the frequencies of cell lineage populations with minimal expert intervention. This work provides a proof of concept that our method meets the needs of an automated analysis tool for diagnostic flow cytometry data.

June 01, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

D7.2 Software to define tumour subclones and association with therapy response


Project website

D8.3 Metabolic models

Oncogene-driven metabolic rewiring in cancer is key to allow proliferation of tumour cells in low nutrient and oxygen conditions. To study such phenomena, reconstructing context-specific metabolic models through omics data integration is crucial. Here we report the original pipeline to construct context-specific metabolic models from scRNA-seq data and we applied it to scRNA-seq data from Ewing Sarcoma.

May 31, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

D8.3 Metabolic models


Project website

D4.3 Topological analysis of multi-omics and multi-cancer molecular networks resulting in the definition of molecular mechanisms

Three types of network-based analysis of gene-gene interaction networks have been suggested and tested on the multi-omics paediatric cancer datasets. User-friendly computational environment for joint application of matrix factorization and network analysis has been implemented.

May 31, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

D4.3 Topological analysis of multi-omics and multi-cancer molecular networks resulting in the definition of molecular mechanisms


Project website

D8.2 Network models for molecular target identification

We focused on the development of patient specific signalling networks using prior knowledge about the molecular events and CRISPR perturbation datasets and associated the activity of the nodes of signalling network with drug response data to find molecular targets.

May 30, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

D8.2 Network models for molecular target identification


Project website

D4.4 Consensus multi-omics subtypes of paediatric cancers

We report on the implementation of a method for multilayer community trajectory analysis and its applications, including a published study on medulloblastoma, a study on congenital myasthenic syndromes, and a study on the functional characterization of commonalities among a selection of paediatric tumours.

May 30, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

D4.4 Consensus multi-omics subtypes of paediatric cancers


Project website

Consensus multi-omics subtypes of paediatric cancers

We report on the implementation of a method for multilayer community trajectory analysis and its applications, including a published study on medulloblastoma, a study on congenital myasthenic syndromes, and a study on the functional characterization of commonalities among a selection of paediatric tumours.

May 30, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Consensus multi-omics subtypes of paediatric cancers


Project website

D2.4 DAC Portal prototype, validated analytical workflows, analysis prototype, updated metadata standards and portal prototype

We report on the selection of the appropriate data models to handle the available data and metadata to the iPC Central Computational and Data platform. We also report on the current status of the development for the iPC Data portal.

May 30, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

D2.4 DAC Portal prototype, validated analytical workflows, analysis prototype, updated metadata standards and portal prototype


Project website

Paper published in Journal of Hepatology

Paper entitled: “Hepatoblastomas with carcinoma features represent a biological spectrum of aggressive hepatocellular neoplasms in children and adolescents”

May 13, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Journal of Hepatology


Project website

Paper published in Molecular Cell

Paper entitled: “Oncogenic chimeric transcription factors drive tumor-specific transcription, processing, and translation of silent genomic regions”

May 11, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Molecular Cell


Project website

Paper published in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “BIODICA: a computational environment for Independent Component Analysis of omics data”

April 06, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Bioinformatics


Project website

Paper published in Cancer Science

Paper entitled: “Mutational spectrum of ATRX aberrations in neuroblastoma and associated patient and tumor characteristics”

April 05, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Cancer Science


Project website

Paper published in Nature Communication

Paper entitled: “A single-cell analysis of breast cancer cell lines to study tumour heterogeneity and drug response”

March 31, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Nature Communication


Project website

Paper in ‘arXiv’

SHEPHERD, Carlton, KALBANTNER, Jan, SEMAL, Benjamin, MARKANTONAKIS, Konstantinos: “A Side-channel Analysis of Sensor Multiplexing for Covert Channels and Application Fingerprinting on Mobile Devices”

March 22, 2022
Security & Safety

Paper in ‘arXiv’


Project website

Paper in ‘IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW)’

SHEPHERD, Carlton, MARKANTONAKIS, Konstantinos, et JALOYAN, Georges-Axel: “LIRA-V: Lightweight remote attestation for constrained RISC-V devices”

February 23, 2022
Security & Safety

Paper in ‘IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW)’


Project website

Paper in ‘Computers & Security’

SHEPHERD, Carlton, MARKANTONAKIS, Konstantinos, VAN HEIJNINGEN, Nico, et al: “Physical fault injection and side-channel attacks on mobile devices: A comprehensive analysis”

February 22, 2022
Security & Safety

Paper in ‘Computers & Security’


Project website

Paper published in frontiers in Molecular Bioscience

Paper entitled: „Modeling Progression of Single Cell Populations Through the Cell Cycle as a Sequence of Switches“

February 01, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in frontiers in Molecular Bioscience


Project website

Paper published in iScience

Paper entitled: “Machine learning for multi-omics data integration in cancer“

January 22, 2022
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in iScience


Project website

D3.3 Integration of INtERAcT, MelanomaMine and LimTox and application to biomedical publications on paediatric cancers

This deliverable reports on the integration of INtERAcT and the implemented text mining workflow. The workflow was developed to adapt LimTox and MelanomaMine to pediatric tumor abstracts from PubMed and relies on INtERAcT in its downstream component of inferring molecular associations between entities extracted from unstructured text.

November 30, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D3.3 Integration of INtERAcT, MelanomaMine and LimTox and application to biomedical publications on paediatric cancers


Project website

D1.3 Synthetic data for testing and training patient, cancer, and drug models

Synthetic data generation is emerging as an important solution for precision medicine. Therefore, an explainable Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) model is developed for synthetic transcriptomics data generation in medulloblastoma. The model can be used to complement and interpolate available data with synthetic instances. It is also transparent as it is able to match the learned latent variables with unique gene expression patterns. The model can also be adapted to other pediatric cancers and the resulting synthetic datasets used to test and train patient, cancer, and drug models in other work packages of the iPC project.

November 30, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D1.3 Synthetic data for testing and training patient, cancer, and drug models


Project website

Paper published in BMC Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “Emulating complex simulations by machine learning methods (SP)”

November 12, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in BMC Bioinformatics


Project website

Paper will be presented at SPIE Medical Imaging

Paper entitled: “Segmentation of Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells in Microscopy Images with Noisy Labels” (Presentation)

November 08, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper will be presented at SPIE Medical Imaging


Project website

Paper published in bioRxiv

Paper entitled: “Loss of p16INK4a in neuroblastoma cells induces shift to an immature state with mesenchymal characteristics and increases sensitivity to EGFR inhibitors”

October 28, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in bioRxiv


Project website

Paper published in BMC Bioinformatics

Paper entitled “DECONbench: a benchmarking platform dedicated to deconvolution methods for tumor heterogeneity quantification”

October 02, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in BMC Bioinformatics


Project website

Paper published in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “FUNKI: Interactive functional footprint-based analysis of omics data”

September 13, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Bioinformatics


Project website

Paper published in the Frontiers in Immunology

Paper entitled: “From Infection to Immunity: Understanding the Response to SARS-CoV2 Through In-Silico Modeling (SP)“

September 07, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the Frontiers in Immunology


Project website

Paper published in PNAS

Paper entitled: “Defects in 8-oko-guanine repair pathway cause high frequency of C > A substitutions in neuroblastoma”

September 03, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in PNAS


Project website

Paper published in Symmetry 2021

Paper entitled: “The Multiple Dimensions of Networks in Cancer: A Perspective”

August 25, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Symmetry 2021


Project website

Paper published in the Elsevier Journal

Paper entitled “Applications of single-cell and bulk RNA sequencing in onco-immunology”.

August 24, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the Elsevier Journal


Project website

Paper published in Advanced Science

Paper entitled: “CHAF1A Blocks Neuronal Differentiation and Promotes Neuroblastoma Oncogenesis via Metabolic Reprogramming”

August 08, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Advanced Science


Project website

Paper published in the Special Issue Hepatoblastoma and Other Pediatric Liver Tumors

Paper entitled “Bridging molecular basis, prognosis, and treatment of pediatric liver tumors”.

August 06, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the Special Issue Hepatoblastoma and Other Pediatric Liver Tumors


Project website

Paper published in the Current Protocols in Bioinformatics.

Paper entitled “PIONEER: Pipeline for Generating High‐Quality Spectral Libraries for DIA‐MS Data”.

August 06, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the Current Protocols in Bioinformatics.


Project website

Paper published in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer

Paper entitled “Identification and validation of viral antigens sharing sequence and structural homology with tumor-associated antigens (TAAs).”

August 06, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer


Project website

Paper presented in the “Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis (CVMI)” workshop

Paper entitled “Unsupervised Detection of Cancerous Regions in Histology Imagery using Image-to-Image Translation”

August 04, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper presented in the “Computer Vision for Microscopy Image Analysis (CVMI)” workshop


Project website

Paper published in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “Improved identification and quantification of peptides in mass spectrometry data via chemical and random additive noise elimination (CRANE)”

July 29, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Bioinformatics


Project website

Paper published in Physics of Life Reviews: pp. 132-134

Paper entiteld: „Adaptation through the lense of single-cell multi-omics data Comment on “Dynamic and thermodynamic models of adaptation” by A.N. Gorban et al.”

July 20, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Physics of Life Reviews: pp. 132-134


Project website

Paper published in the BIORXIV

Paper entitled “Hepatoblastomas with carcinoma features represent a biological spectrum of aggressive neoplasms in children and young adults”.

July 16, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the BIORXIV


Project website

Paper published in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “On the feasibility of deep learning applications using raw mass spectrometry data”

July 12, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Bioinformatics


Project website

Paper published in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “TITAN: T-cell receptor specificity prediction with bimodal attention networks“

July 12, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Bioinformatics


Project website


Paper entitled: “Restoration of the molecular clock is tumor suppressive in neuroblastoma”

June 28, 2021
Biotechnology & Health



Project website

Paper published in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “SysMod: the ISCB community for data-driven computational modelling and multi-scale analysis of biological systems”

June 24, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Bioinformatics


Project website

Paper published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2021

A new network inference algorithm from TUDA with iPC acknowledge was published in the ICML 2021. Paper entitled “Active Learning of Continuous-Time Bayesian Networks Through Interventions”.

June 23, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2021


Project website

Publication in the Journal “Briefings in Bioinformatics”

Article entitled “It’s FLAN time! Summing feature-wise latent representations for interpretability”

June 18, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal “Briefings in Bioinformatics”


Project website

Paper published in Nature Biotechnology

Paper entitled: “The RNA Atlas expands the catalog of human non-coding RNAs”

June 17, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Nature Biotechnology


Project website

D4.2 An interactive online atlas of interconnected network maps based on the NaviCell platform

With the development of the NaviCell 3.0 web server, there is a complete and automated web-based infrastructure for hosting molecular maps, patient similarity network maps, and multi-omics datasets for the project. The NaviCell platform supports molecular map navigation and exploration using the Google maps™ engine. The logic of navigation is taken from Google maps. This NaviCell 3.0 web-server is freely available and several step-by-step tutorials are accessible.

June 07, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D4.2 An interactive online atlas of interconnected network maps based on the NaviCell platform


Project website

D7.1 Application of software enabling computational deconvolution of bulk RNA-sequencing data to immune cell profiles of patient samples

Computational deconvolution of bulk RNA-sequencing data to infer cell type composition of a sample is challenging. Benchmarking of various computational deconvolution tools revealed various data processing parameters that impact deconvolution accuracy and revealed the importance of a complete reference matrix. As a complete reference matrix is often not available, an algorithm was designed that can handle missing cell types. This algorithm can be applied to establish the immune cell repertoire of primary tumor biopsies without prior knowledge of the full spectrum of cell types in the biopsy.

June 02, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D7.1 Application of software enabling computational deconvolution of bulk RNA-sequencing data to immune cell profiles of patient samples


Project website

D3.1 Identification of important regulatory elements using multi-level matrix factorization approaches

D3.1 describes the techniques for dimensionality reduction used in iPC and their application to a selection of cohorts (at different omics levels) as well as a meta-analysis of the four solid tumor types of interest. The goal of the deliverable is to provide a list of pathways and biological functions having a key role in multiple paediatric cancers.

June 02, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D3.1 Identification of important regulatory elements using multi-level matrix factorization approaches


Project website

D3.2 Adaptation of MelanomaMine and LiMTox to the analysis of paediatric cancers and application to biomedical publications on paediatric cancers

The paper reports on the implementation of the iPC text mining workflow and three use cases for extracting biomedical information from large volumes. The workflow builds on the general framework of two text mining tools, LimTox and MelanomaMine. These tools will be used in the framework of the iPC project but also beyond, having a clear impact in the research community.

May 31, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D3.2 Adaptation of MelanomaMine and LiMTox to the analysis of paediatric cancers and application to biomedical publications on paediatric cancers


Project website

D8.1 Data-driven model for molecular targets and drug repositioning

This deliverable provides a detailed overview of the proposed computational tool for predicting patient-specific drugs with potential therapeutic benefit for paediatric cancer treatment and provides, for example, evidence for the goodness of the model in predicting such patient-specific drugs.

May 28, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D8.1 Data-driven model for molecular targets and drug repositioning


Project website

D2.3 Recommended metadata standards and portal prototype

The iPC project aims to ensure interoperability of data between different resources, so the platform must enforce principles and well-defined standards for data accessibility, usability, and registration. This deliverable provides an overview of the different approaches to representing metadata within the iPC Platform, and the efforts to integrate and leverage them within the iPC Catalog and the overall iPC Central Computational and Data Platform to enable meaningful management of research data.

May 28, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D2.3 Recommended metadata standards and portal prototype


Project website

D1.2 Collection of high-quality clinical and molecular paediatric cancer datasets as well as other tumour types

In this deliverable, demographic, clinical, and molecular profiles were collected for several pediatric and adult tumors. In addition, the focus here is on collections of single cell profiles of high risk cancers. The datasets will be used to evaluate the effects of treatments and perturbations on cancer cells, build models, and provide information on deciphering regulatory interactions. These data will allow characterization of cancer cell types that predict treatment outcome, as well as cell types that are resistant to therapies.

May 28, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D1.2 Collection of high-quality clinical and molecular paediatric cancer datasets as well as other tumour types


Project website

“Estimage: a webserver hub for the computation of methylation age (SP)”

Article published in the Nucleic Acids Research Journal.

May 26, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

“Estimage: a webserver hub for the computation of methylation age (SP)”


Project website

“Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Research: learning at different levels of data granularity”

Article published in the Molecular Oncology Journal, Volume 15, Issue 4 Pages 817-829.

April 30, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

“Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Research: learning at different levels of data granularity”


Project website

Article published in the Cancer Cell Journal, Volume 39, Issue 6, P 810-826

Article entitled “STAG2 mutations alter CTCF-anchored loop extrusion, reduce cis-regulatory interactions and EWSR1-FLI1 activity in Ewing sarcoma”.

April 29, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Article published in the Cancer Cell Journal, Volume 39, Issue 6, P 810-826


Project website

“The multilayer community structure of medulloblastoma”

Article published in the iScience Journal, Volume 24, ISSUE 4 by partner Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).

March 26, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

“The multilayer community structure of medulloblastoma”


Project website

Paper published in Machine Learning: Science and Technology

Paper entitled: “Data-driven molecular design for discovery and synthesis of novel ligands: a case study on SARS-CoV-2”

March 25, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Machine Learning: Science and Technology


Project website

Publication in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).

Article entitled “Artificial Intelligence–Aided Precision Medicine for COVID-19: Strategic Areas of Research and Development”.

Published in the JMIR, Volume 23 Issue 3 by partner Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).

March 12, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Publication in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR).


Project website

“Tumor to normal single-cell mRNA comparisons reveal a pan-neuroblastoma cancer cell”

Article published in the Science Advances Journal, Vol. 7, no. 6.

February 22, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

“Tumor to normal single-cell mRNA comparisons reveal a pan-neuroblastoma cancer cell”


Project website

Paper published in Scientifc Reports

Paper entitled: “MDM4 inhibition: a novel therapeutic strategy to reactivate p53 in hepatoblastoma”

February 03, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Scientifc Reports


Project website

Paper published in the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks-2021 (IJCNN2021)

Paper entitled: “Clinical trajectories estimated from bulk tumoral molecular proles using elastic principal trees”

January 27, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks-2021 (IJCNN2021)


Project website

D4.1 Building of cancer type-specific multi-layered molecular and patient similarity networks

iPC uses network inference techniques and applies a selection of pediatric patient cohorts at different omic levels. Networks will be generated, for example, for the generation of molecular patient networks to be used in downstream project activities involving the use of networks.

January 15, 2021
Biotechnology & Health

D4.1 Building of cancer type-specific multi-layered molecular and patient similarity networks


Project website

“Benchmarking of cell type deconvolution pipelines for transcriptomics data”

Article published in “Nature Communications” (2020, 11:5650) by partner UGENT

December 10, 2020
Biotechnology & Health

“Benchmarking of cell type deconvolution pipelines for transcriptomics data”


Project website

“FPGA Accelerated Analysis of Boolean Gene Regulatory Networks”

Article published in the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics ( Volume: 17, Issue: 6)

November 22, 2020
Biotechnology & Health

“FPGA Accelerated Analysis of Boolean Gene Regulatory Networks”


Project website

“COSIFER: a Python package for the consensus inference of molecular interaction networks”

Article published in the Bioinformatics Journal.

November 22, 2020
Biotechnology & Health

“COSIFER: a Python package for the consensus inference of molecular interaction networks”


Project website

Paper published in Briefings in Bioinformatics

Paper entitled: “Deep learning in systems medicine”

November 16, 2020
Biotechnology & Health

Paper published in Briefings in Bioinformatics


Project website

D2.2 “Initial infrastructure framework”

An initial demonstrator of the iPC infrastructure is reviewed. The platform’s architecture is based on modules, which allow parallel developments and integration of different open source-based software components. This allows us to leverage other efforts and contribute towards its sustainability and maintainability. The release of a minimum viable platform is allowing us to capture early feedback from researchers at iPC.

October 14, 2020
Biotechnology & Health

D2.2 “Initial infrastructure framework”


Project website