Results & Downloads
ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 04
The 4th issue of the newsletter has been released. This issue reveals the latest progress and results and highlights key activities. It further provides an overview of the most recent publications and video interviews and provides an outlook of the upcoming activities.
January 28, 2025

ORSHIN Newsletter Issue 04
Publication in Journal “IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Early Access)”
Joint Localization, Synchronization and Mapping via Phase-Coherent Distributed Arrays – article by Alessio Fascista, Benjamin Deutschmann, Musa Furkan Keskin, Thomas Wilding, Angelo Coluccia, Klaus Witrisal, Erik Leitinger, Gonzalo Seco-Granados and Henk Wymeersch
January 23, 2025

Publication in Journal “IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (Early Access)”
Scientific Publication
The paper AttackDefense Framework (ADF): Enhancing IoT Devices and Lifecycles Threat Modeling was published at ACM TECS. The authors are Tommaso Sacchetti, Marton Bognar, Jesse De Meulemeester, Benedikt Gierlichs, Frank Piessens, Volodymyr Bezsmertnyi, Maria Chiara Molteni, Stefano Cristalli, Arianna Gringiani, Olivier Thomas, Daniele Antonioli.
December 18, 2024

Scientific Publication
MILADO - Multiwavelength Laser for fast Diagnostic in Biomedical and Manufacturing Applications
The MILADO project aims to revolutionize mid-infrared (MIR) laser technology by developing cost-effective, high-volume manufacturing processes for Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs). These lasers are essential for various spectroscopic applications due to their compactness, high power spectral density, and broad spectral coverage up to 12 µm. However, their high costs limit market penetration. MILADO merges "group III-V" and silicon photonics to create affordable, compact MIR light sources by using established complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) processes. This shift from expensive, complex craft production to scalable manufacturing could reduce QCL prices from thousands to tens of euros. more information: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
REINDEER - UseCaseVideo 03 (human-machine interaction in care environments, hospitals and assist...
The REINDEER project is working on a cell free massive MIMO approach for such 6G applications, called “RadioWeaves”. The project partners have defined 13 use cases to better understand the requirements of the future. This video is about the first cluster of use cases, focusing on human-machine interaction in care environments, hospitals and assisted living. Find out more about this project: This video may be downloaded, shared, embedded and reposted across various platforms. The REINDEER project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101013425. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
REINDEER - UseCaseVideo 04 (home automation and smart home systems)
The REINDEER project is working on a cell free massive MIMO approach for such 6G applications, called “RadioWeaves”. The project partners have defined 13 use cases to better understand the requirements of the future. This video is about the first cluster of use cases, focusing on future factories, warehouses, and logistics. Find out more about this project: This video may be downloaded, shared, embedded and reposted across various platforms. The REINDEER project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101013425. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
REINDEER - Use Case Video 02 (Immersive entertainment for crowds of people)
The REINDEER project is working on a cell free massive MIMO approach for such 6G applications, called “RadioWeaves”. The project partners have defined 13 use cases to better understand the requirements of the future. This video is about the first cluster of use cases, focusing on future factories, warehouses, and logistics. Find out more about this project: This video may be downloaded, shared, embedded and reposted across various platforms. The REINDEER project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101013425. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
REINDEER - Use Case Video 01 (future factories, warehouses, and logistics)
The REINDEER project is working on a cell free massive MIMO approach for such 6G applications, called “RadioWeaves”. The project partners have defined 13 use cases to better understand the requirements of the future. This video is about the first cluster of use cases, focusing on future factories, warehouses, and logistics. Find out more about this project: This video may be downloaded, shared, embedded and reposted across various platforms. The REINDEER project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101013425. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
6GTandem - Use Cases
6GTandem's dual-frequency network combines reliable low-frequency coverage with high-bandwidth sub-THz for cyber-physical future applications. 6GTandem’s 16 identified use cases span across health, entertainment, and industry. Find out more about the project: The 6GTandem project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101096302. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
ORSHIN - Interview Aurélien Francillon (EURECOM)
Aurélien Francillon (EURECOM) is talking at the ORSHIN GA / technichal meeting in Czech Republic about the ORSHIN Project. Find out more about the project: The ORSHIN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070008. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
ORSHIN - Interview Clarisse Ginet (Texplained)
Clarisse Ginet (Texplained) is talking at the ORSHIN GA / technichal meeting in Czech Republic about the ORSHIN Project. Find out more about the project: The ORSHIN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070008. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
ORSHIN - Interview Benedikt Gierlichs (KU Leuven)
Benedikt Gierlichs (KU Leuven) is talking at the ORSHIN GA / technichal meeting in Czech Republic about the ORSHIN Project. Find out more about the project: The ORSHIN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070008. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
ORSHIN - Interview Guido Bertoni (Security Pattern)
Guido Bertoni (Security Pattern) is talking at the ORSHIN GA / technichal meeting in Czech Republic about the ORSHIN Project. Find out more about the project: The ORSHIN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070008. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
ORSHIN - Interview Stanislav Jerabek (Tropic Square)
Stanislav Jerabek (Tropic Square) is talking at the ORSHIN GA / technichal meeting in Czech Republic about the ORSHIN Project. Find out more about the project: The ORSHIN project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070008. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
6GTandem Project - Oksana Moryakova (Linköping University)
Oksana Moryakova (Linköping University) is talking at the 6GTandem technical meeting in Munich, Germany about the 6GTandem Project. Find out more about the project: The 6GTandem project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101096302. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
6GTandem Project - Gregor Lasser (Chalmers University)
Gregor Lasser (Chalmers University) is talking at the 6GTandem technical meeting in Munich, Germany about the 6GTandem Project. Find out more about the project: The 6GTandem project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101096302. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
6GTandem Project - Walter Hartner (Infineon)
Walter Hartner (Infineon) is talking at the 6GTandem technical meeting in Munich, Germany about the 6GTandem Project. Find out more about the project: The 6GTandem project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101096302. You can turn on/off the subtitles (captions) by clicking on the "CC" button on the bottom right side of this video.
ForRES - Interview with Jofre Pallarés and Nicolas Allué (CSIC)
interview with Jofre Pallarés and Nicolas Allué from CSIC, shedding light on the ForRES project. ForRES is an innovative research initiative focused on developing advanced tools and methodologies to analyze and reconstruct silicon chips. This project aims to enhance our understanding of hardware security and counteract potential threats by uncovering vulnerabilities in silicon-based devices. During the interview Jofre and Nicolas discuss what they expect from ForRES, expressing enthusiasm about the project’s cutting-edge technological approaches and what is the most exciting aspect for them. Find out more about the project: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
iPC (4) H2020 Project: About why the future paediatric cancer treatment is in personalization
In this episode we welcome Davide Cirillo. He represents the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, a partner in iPC which, by the way, stands for Indivualized Peadiatric Cure. We talk about how explainable AI and machine learning is the key to tailor treatments for kids while minimizing the risks. The iPC project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 826121.
iPC (4) H2020 Project: About why the future paediatric cancer treatment is in personalization
iPC (4) H2020 Project: About why the future paediatric cancer treatment is in personalization
iPC (3) H2020 Project: How algorithms can improve treatment for children with cancer
In this episode we talk with Pieter Mestdagh, principal investigator at the Cancer Research Insitute Ghent, who is a project partner in iPC. He shares his teams methods with us for a better understanding of their motives and how algorithms can improve effective treatment for children with cancer. The iPC project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 826121.
iPC (3) H2020 Project: How algorithms can improve treatment for children with cancer
iPC (3) H2020 Project: How algorithms can improve treatment for children with cancer
REINDEER (2) H2020 Project: A closer look at RadioWeaves Technology and how it might be used
In this Episode, we will speak with Erik Larsson, Professor and Head of the Division for Communication Systems in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Linköping University, about how the REINDEER H2020 Project can help facilitate the idea of embedded antennas by using RadioWeaves technology. The REINDEER project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101013425.
REINDEER (2) H2020 Project: A closer look at RadioWeaves Technology and how it might be used
REINDEER (2) H2020 Project: A closer look at RadioWeaves Technology and how it might be used
Ethics and Technology (6) – a Prerequisite for European Research: Engineering and Technology
In this episode we welcome Rebecca Roache, a British philosopher and Senior Lecturer at Royal Holloway, University of London and Jonathan Seglow, Associate Professor in the Department of Politics, International Relations and Philosophy also at at Royal Holloway. The EXFILES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 883156
Ethics and Technology (6) – a Prerequisite for European Research: Engineering and Technology
Ethics and Technology (6) – a Prerequisite for European Research: Engineering and Technology
EXFILES (5) H2020 Project: About Microscopic Views and the Hardware Approach
In this episode, we continue our in-depth look at the EXFILES project. Today we speak with Olivier Thomas, a partner in EXFILES, he along with his team of 10 cyber security experts are responsible for hardware solutions in EXFILES. He shares his thoughts on the project with us and how the knowledge derived from this project can help in training future generations of cyber security experts. The EXFILES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 883156
EXFILES (5) H2020 Project: About Microscopic Views and the Hardware Approach
EXFILES (5) H2020 Project: About Microscopic Views and the Hardware Approach
EXFILES (4) H2020 Project: An Inside View from an LEA Partner
In this episode, we look at the EXFILES project once again. Today we speak with Nicolas from the National Forensic Lab for the French Gendarmerie. He talks about the challenge of extracting forensic evidence from locked phones and how the EXFILES project can help LEA's to overcome this. The EXFILES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 883156
EXFILES (4) H2020 Project: An Inside View from an LEA Partner
EXFILES (4) H2020 Project: An Inside View from an LEA Partner
EXFILES (3) H2020 Project: A Look from the Inside
In this episode, we look at the EXFILES project once again. We speak with project partner Renaud Feil from Synacktiv in Paris about developing methods to access locked phones. There is no easy solution but in EXFILES, partners across Europe have resolved to make inroads to this challenging aspect of cybersecurity. The EXFILES project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 883156
EXFILES (3) H2020 Project: A Look from the Inside
EXFILES (3) H2020 Project: A Look from the Inside
REALHOLO (1) H2020 Project: An Introduction
In this episode, we introduce the REALHOLO ( project. Partners Hagen Stolle and Johannes Pleikies from SeeReal Technologies speak about the goals and challenges in this H2020 project which aims to bring holography to the forefront by prototyping practical applications. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101014977. This project is an initiative of the Photonics Public Private Partnership.
REALHOLO (1) H2020 Project: An Introduction
REALHOLO (1) H2020 Project: An Introduction
DECODER (4) H2020 Project: Weighing in with The UPV
Three partners from the Universitat Politècnica de València discuss their particular roles in the DECODER ( H2020 project. We speak with Tanja Ernestina Vos, Borja Davó Gelardo and Nacho Mansanet Benavent about the project goals and progress as the consortium reaches completion of their efforts. The DECODER project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 824231.
DECODER (4) H2020 Project: Weighing in with The UPV
DECODER (4) H2020 Project: Weighing in with The UPV
DECODER (3) H2020 Project: Open source software development solutions
In this episode we speak with Olivier Bouzereau from OW2 about the DECODER ( project and how their commitment to open source technologies will make their work available to developers around the world. The DECODER project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 824231.
DECODER (3) H2020 Project: Open source software development solutions
DECODER (3) H2020 Project: Open source software development solutions
SERENA (5) H2020 Project: Signal Processing
SERENA ( partners are exploring the use of high frequencies for data delivery. Using gallium nitride on silicon as a means to develop high performance millimeter-wave active antenna systems, at a commercially viable price-point while remaining energy efficient is at the heart of SERENA. In this episode we speak with SERENA partners Giuseppe Caire and Thomas Kuehne from the Technische Universität Berlin. The SERENA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779305.
SERENA (5) H2020 Project: Signal Processing
SERENA (5) H2020 Project: Signal Processing
Car2TERA (5) H2020 Project: Focus on the Demonstrators
Today we zero in on the circuits used in the demonstrators for the Car2TERA project. Herbert Zirath from Chalmers University of Technology talks about some of the challenges involved and how his team has dealt with them. The Car2TERA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 824962.
Car2TERA (5) H2020 Project: Focus on the Demonstrators
Car2TERA (5) H2020 Project: Focus on the Demonstrators
Car2TERA (4) H2020 Project: Checking in with Jonas Hansryd & Yinggang Li from Ericsson
In this episode we speak with with Jonas Hansryd & Yinggang Li from Ericsson about the progress of the Car2TERA ( project. They share some details about why this project is so important for the future of automobiles and what Ericsson is doing to push this effort forward. The Car2TERA project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 824962.
Car2TERA (4) H2020 Project: Checking in with Jonas Hansryd & Yinggang Li from Ericsson
Car2TERA (4) H2020 Project: Checking in with Jonas Hansryd & Yinggang Li from Ericsson
Ethics and Technology (5) – a Prerequisite for European Research: Engineering and Technology
In this episode we speak with Elisabeth Oswald professor from the department of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity at The University of Klagenfurt ( about the ethics considerations in the world of education and research.
Ethics and Technology (5) – a Prerequisite for European Research: Engineering and Technology
Ethics and Technology (5) – a Prerequisite for European Research: Engineering and Technology
REINDEER (1) H2020 Project: Using RadioWeaves for smart connect-compute platform
In this episode we speak with Liesbet Van der Perre, Technology Lead in the REINDEER ( project. She informs us about the overarching goals in REINDEER and explains how the project will benefits residents of the EU and the EU itself. The REINDEER project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101013425.
REINDEER (1) H2020 Project: Using RadioWeaves for smart connect-compute platform
REINDEER (1) H2020 Project: Using RadioWeaves for smart connect-compute platform